Youth. Science. Sports. Healthy Movement Of Ukraine has as mission of the organization: Form conscious and healthy Ukrainians. Today, Ukraine is going through one of the most difficult times that leave their mark on every family, person, and child. In a short period, they faced many physical, material and psychological problems. Especially right now, children who cannot cope with emerging issues need much help. Through joint efforts and initiatives, they help the younger generation overcome these challenges as easily as possible and adapt to new realities by organising and conducting various extracurricular sports and events for school children. They popularise various types of sports among children and university youth. Their task is to popularise a healthy lifestyle, physical and motor activity, and various types of sports. They aim to form national values and encourage children to maintain their health. They believe that it is of vital importance to educate a healthy generation of people, harmoniously develop their physical and spiritual health, and, through various activities, achieve goals.