
Objective 1: To educate young (amateur) athletes

To educate and train young people on topics such as: the basics of the sport, training tactics and tips for individual training on and off the field, nutrition issues, video examples to develop critical and decision-making skills and be able to apply knowledge in their own game!

Objective 2: To connect through a hybrid knowledge transfer network model

To enable the formulation of Communities of Practices on a inter and intra country level. This will be based on the ‘twinning’ principles where less advantages regions and cities will connect with urban centers and will be able to learn. Direct communication and exchange of know-how between academies from all over Europe but also to allow young people to communicate and interact with each other in anything related to their favorite game.

Objective 3: To provide support to the athletes, families and coaches

To support all stakeholders in the sport and to ensure effective cooperation between young athlete - parents - coach. To provide solutions to issues that concern not only the competitive development of young athletes, but also issues such as maintaining and improving health, physical and social development, building relationships and cooperation with other children.

Objective 4: To engage more people in basketball

Through the interactivity of social media and through the encouragement of the communities of practice and the participation of volunteers but also through the recreational and fun events of the project, which will be held with the participation of young people who face limitations in their inclusion in sports.

Objective 5: To advance the operational model of the clubs and academies.

The project will look into good practices in terms of youth engagement strategy, maintenance and development, and services offered, to advance the operational model of the clubs and academies, so that they can more effectively approach young people to engage in sports and basketball, through their continuous and developing cooperation.