About Basketball-KTN

COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on children and adolescents’ lives and has affected their engagement with sports. Access to gyms and public areas as well as team sports were banned during the lockdown as part of restrictions on public health protection the COVID-19 pandemic brought children and sports to a new reality and continues to potentially affect children directly through on-going activities related to sport.
The interruption in learning, the inability to go to school, and the cancellation of sports, may have created a sense of isolation that can spread more widely than the pandemic itself among millions of children, who are vulnerable to the new living conditions of society. The main aim of Basketball Knowledge Transfer Network (Basketball-KTN) is to create a variety of diverse connections to drive positive and consistent change. The consortium is committed to address the societal challenge of ‘inclusivity’ through basketball engagement, by promoting a healthy lifestyle for children under 18 years old.
The project BASKETBALL-KTN focuses on the youth and their continuous and active involvement with Basketball. The overarching aim of the project is to provide equal opportunities through putting together small ‘clusters’ of twinned clubs and academies to exchange knowledge and experience. This will form the ‘Communities of Practice’ in Basketball, having as ambition to incorporate more countries and clubs on a Pan-European Level.
The program will be implemented through 4 main pillars of activities:

  • Sustainable development of basketball
  • Psychological support of young athletes and parents
  • Promote and Engage
  • Sustainability and legacy
  • Communnite of Practice - Repository